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Total Speed Hockey was founded by Cassidy Hilworth in 2019. She wanted to provide Powerskating instruction to Fredericton and surrounding area. Since opening in April 2019, we have worked with hundreds of athletes helping them perfect their skating to realize their full potential.


We pride ourselves on our detailed specific instruction while keeping powerskating fun. We create an atmosphere on the ice where players want to get better and can see the results happening right before their eyes. 


There are a few key elements that we will always uphold:


1. Small Groups


Each Ice Session will have 20 skaters or less on the ice. We believe that smaller groups get the most benefits and it gives us more time to give 1 on 1 attention to each athlete.


2. Our Development Pathway


We have created a pathway that helps athletes move through each level. From Little Skaters all the way up to Pro, we have a program tailored specifically to what you need.


3. Measurable Results


At the end of any program we offer, you will be able to see the improved results. Whether it is with your stride mechanics, speed or ability to complete a hockey specific skill, the results will be there.  


 We pride ourselves on the knowledge and experience our staff presents, along with the will to help any athlete that wants to put in the work to improve. We promise that you will see results. Our technique and attitude gives every athlete with the will to succeed.





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